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The Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale bridges the gap between innovative, early-stage life science research and successful development of high-impact biomedical products. Our integrated approach combines essential funding with development and business expertise, leading to commercial partnerships that bring forth new biomedical discoveries that create value and benefit society.

  • Meet the 2023 Pitchfest Teams

    32 pitches have been selected to move forward to present their lifesciences project at Pitchfest – a full day of pitches from Yale’s most investable projects.

  • *

    Learn more about the process to get funded.

  • Pitchfest 2023

    数字农业的发展趋势与推进路径:2021-4-2 · 当前,数字技术加速向各领域渗透发展,正在全球范围内开启一次具有革命性的数字化转型。 在此进程中,我伊需主动适应潮流,提升数字化生产力,加快我国经济社会各领域数字化发展步伐,特别是要面向农村的广阔沃土,实施数字乡村发展战略,推动高质量发展。

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